2021 MLB Playoff Odds Announced


Pitchers and catchers report today so thats a step in the right direction for baseball season in the MLB. With it we also have a list of the odds for each team to reach the post season this year.

Starting with the Pittsburgh Pirates, who have seemed to do nothing but unload talent their odds have been set at 0.4%. That’s the second lowest in the National League and third lowest overall. Not shocking in the least after this off-season.

The two teams lower than the Pirates were the Rockies with a 0.1% shot at the playoffs and the Baltimore Orioles at an impressive 0.0% chance to make the post season. Feels bad if you are a fan of any of these teams.

On the flip side the Dodgers and Yankees with 96 almost 97% and 91% almost 92 % percent odds. Little surprise their both of these teams are always opening up the pocket books to get better.

I think I mostly was just surprised a team would have no shot at the playoffs in something like this. Though it is still early and who knows whats going to happen next. Though for now let’s gear up for some spring training baseball.

Author: Hammer Down Sports Blog

Sports analysis with a strong foundation.